"You gotta hug the cactus" with Dr. Stephan Poulter, PhD (Part 2)


Studies show 83% of men want their partner to respect them, rather than love them, an astounding statistic "when many have not yet learned to do the work" to earn it, Dr. Stephan Poulter, PhD, explains, author of "Modern Masculinity, A Compassionate Guide to Men's Mental Health" and "The Shame Factor." What is "the work"? "'Hugging the cactus' is learning to sit with discomfort," the unresolved emotions and issues within, Dr. Steve says. "Before "the pain outweighs the pleasure," physical symptoms persist, or crises hits, "you have to FIRST DECIDE TO DO THE WORK" he emphasizes. It may sound harsh, but in this episode he also gives specific steps to begin the process of transforming shame into power! YOU CAN DO IT and create a sense of home within. You are not alone and we are right by your side the whole way.

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Dr. Steve, A Compassionate Guide to Men's Mental Health": https://www.stephanpoulter.com/ 

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