"You gotta hug the cactus" with Dr. Stephan Poulter, PhD


"If what you've tried up until now hasn't worked, it's not failure, it's a wake up call!," Dr. Stephan Poulter, PhD. says, or an urge from the universe to actually "do the work!" A renowned Clinical Psychologist and Author of the groundbreaking "Modern Masculinity, A Compassionate Guide to Men's' Mental Health" and "The Shame Factor," Dr. Steve explains "the work" is to "learn to sit with yourself," your deepest fears, and every other uncomfortable feeling motivating unhealthy and/or destructive thinking patterns and behaviors.

It may seem like a tough thing to do. Nadia knows this all too well, but found a solution. So, in this episode, Dr. Steve and Nadia provide professional and real life tips to begin the process of creating a "home within" to feel, see, and hear it all, without shame preventing a single part of the process! Freedom is waiting for you on the other side. 

Intro to Breath Work and Meditation to Nurture a Home Within You (FREE for Parents in Recovery): https://www.nadia-davis.com/small-group

Dr. Stephan Poulter, "Modern Masculinity, A Compassionate Guide to Men's' Mental Health": https://www.stephanpoulter.com/

Free Tip Sheet - Ban Shame Within and Around You: https://www.nadia-davis.com/

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