Nadia Davis

It’s Time to Build a



Breath Work, Gentle Movement, & Mantra Meditation

Inspired by Kundalini Yoga


$ Donation Based - FREE for Parents in Recovery (USE “HomeWithinYou100”)



Join Nadia Live

Learn how to choose love over fears and judgments, one breath at a time, one moment at a time, one day at a time, together building a sense of home within.

Join our Kundalini Yoga Online sessions:

Each short 45-minute session is yours to design for you, your recovery, your journey, your way. I am merely offering to hold space for you, providing prompts and direction during each session should you desire to experience the magic of gentle kundalini yoga. No experience is needed. Just your breath and 45 min of your time.

Each session includes:

  • Tune-in & Check-in

  • Gentle Stretches with Breathwork

  • Meditation with Mantra (Connecting to a HOME WITHIN each of us where only LOVE resides)

  • Check-in & Tune-out

Each session helps to:

  • Notice thoughts that "attack" our home within (fears and judgments created by our ego/mind)

  • Filter, Translate, & Direct them in a loving way

  • Ultimately, CHOOSE LOVE, or soul, whenever such thoughts arise in the future.

All you need is a quiet space to sit, stretch, and/or lay down.

We all deserve a welcoming space within our hearts to see, feel, and acknowledge it all. Every worry, fear, and concern, as well as every joy, inspiration, and wonder. Reality is, our mind is designed to help us survive, and often seems like a battle ground. Shame, or being shamed, deepens such feelings, and can take us on a ride we'd rather not be on. That's why we all need a strong HOME BASE within ourselves to prevent it!

JOIN ME LIVE by signing up below.

nadia davis

What Is Kundalini Yoga?

I won’t try to convince you that Kundalini yoga is the most brilliant physiologically designed technology for balance of mind, body, and spirit. But frankly, it truly is. You simply must personally experience it to come to terms with that truth.

The word “kundalini” sounds funny, like a roller coaster name. But it is quite the opposite. “Kundalini” is a Sanskrit term from ancient India that describes the rising of an energy and consciousness, a life force or “prana,” in each of us. Since birth, it is coiled at the base of the spine. With a combination of breath work, exercises, or Kriyas, meditation, and sound, mantra or instrumental, anyone can tap into it.

It is not some strange power that only the weird “yoga people” get. Quite the contrary, kundalini yoga was made for the everyday household back yonder. Everyone has access into the bridge it provides on the way to spiritual awareness, a sense of wellbeing, and ultimately, that home within.

For more info, go to or

How Yoga Impacted My Life:
Excerpt from Book: (pg 201-202)

The process of restoring a deep reconnection back to the home within me began at Seventh Chakra Yoga with Kundalini Yoga, over twenty years after a near death experience, 22 broken bones, brain hemorrhage, and punctured lung. I will forever hold deep gratitude for the blessing and presence of Priya, my mentor and a constant guide and light along the journey back (

The first time I took a class, I was eager, yet very much skeptical.

It was physically painful for me to merely sit on the ground. My once broken back would scream in the center, hip ache, and leg go numb, or all of the above. The limited range of motion in the upper left side of my body made it beyond difficult to hold certain arm positions. Often I’d hear bones clicking with moves and wonder if others could hear. The level of pain and tension in my entire being oozed out in extreme restlessness. There were so many reasons I could’ve stopped.

Kundalini yoga’s use of breath, sound, and mantra wiped that all away.

Slowly and gently, blocks were broken, be it physical, mental or spiritual.

Hands down, no amount of physical therapy prior matched the immediate release and surge of endurance felt. “Pain” thoughts were replaced with focus on breath, or “pranayama.” Instead of tensing up while forcing a movement, I learned to breath into and with it. Tolerance was replaced with desire. Aches, with soothing. My range of motion began to dramatically increase. Eventually, I was even able to lessen the severity and frequency of chronic pain flareups.

My body stopped shouting “Tap, tap, tap, this vessel controls you.” Instead, all I heard was it begging for more and more of this practice, its voice finally free of my mind cursing it.

My Given Spiritual Name: Priya Bachan Kaur

“Priya means beloved, love. Bachan means promise; keeping one’s word, one whose word has power,” Niranjan Kaur, Director of Spiritual Names (


Kundalini Research Institute International

  • Level I Instructor

  • Level II Instructor

    • Conscious Communication

    • Mind & Meditation

    • Authentic Relationships

  • Masters in Japji Sahib (as taught by Priya Jain, Seventh Chakra Institute of Spiritual Sciences @seventhchakrainstitute,

Yoga Stories

"Nadia’s class was very peaceful and soothing. Her gentle guidance helped facilitate a meditative and relaxing practice." ~ Christian Reid

"During the end of the pandemic, I connected with Nadia on Facebook as we knew people in common. I started to attend her online yoga sessions and I found them relaxing and helped with my general feeling of well-being. I had practiced power yoga in the past so her style of Kundalini Yoga was what I needed to help get back to having a normal mindset since I was not able to do my normal yoga. She is an excellent teacher and I would recommend her to anyone wants to learn or practice Kundalini Yoga." ~ SB Paige

"Nadia’s kundalini breath-work class is a rejuvenating mindful practice, good for people in various levels of familiarity to kundalini. She leads with an approachable style, making kundalini accessible to all. Students leave the class feeling relaxed and peaceful." ~ Christine Kahn

“I have had the honor and privilege of witnessing...Nadia’s journey from being utterly lost to finding her way to her own inner home, where she belongs unconditionally. I am in awe of her perseverance, integrity, and conviction in spite of the cascade of adversities she has faced in her life. Through Home Is Within You, she now inspires countless others to seek that unconditional home that resides within them.” ~ Priya Jain, spiritual life coach; kundalini yoga trainer; founder of Seventh Chakra Yoga Institute of Spiritual Sciences; author of Awakening Sutras of Japji Sahib