Nadia Davis



I remember so clearly the moment my cellmate handed me a book. Coverless and torn, it didn't matter the state it was in. Having no clue what the future held, I needed something, anything, to replace the words rambling and attacking me from within. Reading the book seemed to quiet my own thoughts, if even for a bit. The more I read, the more I felt “ok” within myself, and thus the reality of where I found myself. Eventually, reading got me to a place within where I could actually acknowledge and process all the thoughts and emotions whirling in my head. As my entire world seemed to be crumbling outside, a book in my hands served as the bridge back to safety and calm within. It quieted my mind enough to return to listening to my soul instead. Therein laid all the answers to get back home and with my kids.

Since that time, I found a way out of darkness and the choking grasp of shame. That journey is in Home is Within You, A Memoir of Recovery and Redemption. So when I found out that some prison facility libraries ordered my memoir for their inmates, I jumped for joy at the realization others behind bars might read its pages and find that home within them! My hope is to get it into as many incarcerated individuals hands as possible, especially parents.

The Prison Book Program partners with local book stores through wish lists, encouraging patrons to purchase and donate books they then distribute to hundreds behind bars throughout the Nation, including parents with children waiting for them to come home and those needing trauma and addiction recovery.

By purchasing a copy of Home is Within You through the Prison Book Program, you do two amazing things! You support the recovery and healing of those behind bars AND a treasured local book store! Plus, as a token of gratitude for your generosity, I also donate additional copies of Home is Within You directly to The Prison Book Program so, together, we can get it into as many incarcerated parents hands as possible.

There is a way out of the choking grasp of shame, darkness, and despair. There is a way to prevent generational trauma and stop the cycle. Join me in helping the incarcerated begin to build a home within. -Nadia

P.S. I thought you might want to see examples of some of the letters they receive at The Prison Book Program (Note: they have an affiliation with the Lucy Parsons Bookstore, so many readers call them “Lucy” See the letters below.


Spiritual Advocacy is standing up for and choosing LOVE over shame-based thoughts throughout the day.

Spiritual Advocacy is challenging ourselves to move into soul-based knowing and out of ego-centric thinking.

Spiritual Advocacy is building our capacity for stillness and presence within our hearts by setting aside time to connect with our breath in silence every day.

Spiritual Advocacy is strengthening our ability to notice shame-based thoughts (fear/judgment/secret belief you are defective) as they arise, pause, take note mentally to better understand later, rather than projecting such feelings onto others using shaming tactics.

Spiritual Advocacy is nurturing that safe and calm space within our heart enough so as to have the ability to sit with one's own shame, acknowledge where it comes from, ask the soul what it is trying to teach you, and further uncover the core wound and/or false belief that is motivating it (i.e. fear of abandonment, perfectionism, unworthiness, inability to trust, and more___NEED to list all of them here.)

Spiritual Advocacy is prioritizing your soul's voice (heart, intuition, knowing) rather than your ego or mind based thoughts enough to come to believe that you are not a body nor the thoughts your mind makes, but an infinite being - whole, divine, and complete.

Spiritual Advocacy is refusing to allow shame-based thoughts to take you out of compassion for self and others knowing that anything anyone does is either an act of love or a cry for it, motivated by the ego/mind.

Spiritual Advocacy is preventing, stopping, and ultimately, banning all observed, perpetrated, and instigated shame-based tactics outside you (name-calling, degradation, ridicule, mocking, gossip, triangulation) and encouraging others to choose love instead by not participating, privately calling them out, or offering a safe space to vent and make amends.

Spiritual Advocacy is allowing love to build a stronger and more authentic connection to one's true self, higher power, and others, rather than permitting shame-based thoughts to separate you from all three.

Spiritual Advocacy is maintaining a fervent relationship with one's soul and sense of home within regardless of what anyone does to or says about you.