Wes Geer - A 'Rockstar's' Spiritual Journey Transforming Shame Into Power!
In this episode, we dive into the spiritual journey and heart of Wes Geer, Founder of Rock to Recovery and best known as a founding member of the band Hed PE. As a guitarist, songwriter and producer in the band until his departure in 2003, Geer then toured with nu metal band Korn. Here, Wes and Nadia talk deep - How did a 'rock star', once ruled by unaddressed trauma and addiction, transform struggle into a powerhouse helping others heal with music? What is Wes' spiritual, trauma healing, and addiction recovery "journey" beyond the facts and timeline we may hear about?
Listen in and learn: 1) How shame-based feelings showed up as child, adult, and affected his life negatively; 2) At what point he hit a wall(s) and began to dive deeper, and 3) Most of all, the spiritual and healing tools he uses today to maintain self-awareness, mind/body/spirit connection, and shine as the Wes Geer we adore and love.
Rock to Recovery: https://rocktorecovery.org/wes-geer/
Wes Geer: https://www.instagram.com/wesgeer/?hl=en
Give Back, Support Recovery of the Incarcerated: https://www.nadia-davis.com/give-back
Free ban Shame Tip Sheet nd Healing Tools: https://www.nadia-davis.com/
Follow Nadia on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nadiamariadavis/?hl=en
Trigger Warning- This podcast contains content that might be difficult to hear. There are references to specific experiences with PTSD, physical and mental abuse, as well as shame. Please be aware that some people may be triggered.
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