Tools for Empowering Your Recovery


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Kundalini Yoga Online

Learn how to choose love over fears and judgments, one breath at a time, one moment at a time, one day at a time, together building a sense of home within.

Join our Kundalini Yoga Online sessions:

Each short 45-minute session is yours to design for you, your recovery, your journey, your way. I am merely offering to hold space for you, providing prompts and direction during each session should you desire to experience the magic of gentle kundalini yoga. No experience is needed. Just your breath and 45 min of your time.

Empowered Recovery Coaching

Online Individual Sessions with Nadia

Uncover and lift shame-based blocks to your true self and others.

Ever feel stuck, exhausted, or burned out on your recovery journey? If so, these individual sessions are for you to gain tips, tools, and strategies to overcome whatever might be blocking you on your trauma and/or addiction recovery journey. Together, we will work to tap into the infinite power, strength, and love that lay within you!