Does Unconditional Love Really Exist? Is There Freedom From Shame? Yes to Both!
In this SOLO Podcast check in, you get an overview of recent interviews and examples from my life about how to find and give unconditional love as well as how to get out of the muck of others shaming, with specific tips to prepare now for possible triggers over this holiday season. Let's commit to CHOOSE LOVE (soul), not fear and judgment (mind), for ourselves and those around us!
FREE Ban Shame Tip Sheet & More:
SUPPORT the Incarcerated this Holiday Season: DONATE a copy of Home is Within You, A Memoir of Recovery and Redemption, here:
Healing Yoga and Breath Work:
Trigger Warning- This podcast contains content that might be difficult to hear. There are references to specific experiences with PTSD, physical and mental abuse, as well as shame. Please be aware that some people may be triggered.
Find out more about Home is Within You
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Ban Shame Tip Sheet:
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